'Barbarism is the natural state of mankind,' the borderer said, still staring somberly at the Cimmerian. 'Civilization is unnatural. It is a whim of circumstance. And barbarism must always ultimately triumph.'

-Robert E. Howard
Beyond The Black River

Corrupt Cliffs

Corrupt Cliffs
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Saturday, January 24, 2015

D&D Attack Wing. First game.

I am more of a sci-fi fan than a fantasy fan.  That doesn't mean I hate the fantasy setting.  For example I am a huge fan of Conan.  I played D&D in my teens and when I did a lot of war gaming I played Warhammer: Fantasy as well. 

I liked the look of X-wing and have gotten a little into it and played a few times.  However one of my friends came back from GenCon excited about D&D Attack Wing.  He has played a few times after picking it up after Christmas, before but this particular game was new to me.

We picked a scenario that used named dragons, a blue and a copper.  I took the blue dragon and he took the copper.  We filled out our dragons to 50 points.  The scenario involved us in a cavernous lair with 5 treasure piles.  If you were within one of the piles you could pick up the pile and see what it was.  2 special items, 2 generic piles of gold and 1 fire trap, that could potentially damage the dragon.

Initial set-up two dragons in a lair locked in combat but still looking for treasure.

The first turn resulted in both of us moving 4 and falling short of the treasure piles.  In round two I got to my pile and he got to his.  My treasure was an iron tail spike, good for rear attacks. His first treasure was the FIRETRAP!  Sadly it did no damage to him.  I was also hit with a slow breath weapon which hampered my ability to maneuver.

We maneuvered and he picked up the other special item which allowed his red maneuvers to no longer be red.  He can now do the 4move Uturn easily.  Not good for me.  We had an exchange of breath weapons and I came out on the bottom suffering 1 damage, one being critical and removing my single agility die.

In the next pass I placed my dragon next to his in a beautiful attempt to hammer him with my magic missile spell.  When I attempted this he used a special ability called trixster to use it against me causing an additional damage to my dragon.

In an attempt to recover my breath weapon I chose to put distance between us to give myself maximum time and defense dice.  

This unfortunately put me close to the table edge, I might have been able to pull the u-turn but chose to just make a sharp right in front and use my evade action.  I suffered one more damage in the attack, rolling one dodge and using my evade token.

I had hoped to have him overfly me but I didn't choose enough movement and although it did allow me to use my tailspike, it allowed him to attack me as well.

I scored some good die rolls here, but sadly his three dice rolled ALL dodges.  The dice do really hate me.

In the last round I was injured to the point I thought he would try and win vie scenario win conditions.  I needed to get lucky and kill the dragon in the next turn.  Pretty large order since I had yet to wound him.  I wheeled and came to the position I thought he would move to.  Again I had poorly estimated distance and he ended up beside me, placing me in arc and him out of arc.

This was the end of the scenario.

Overall it was a good game.  Very strongly like X-wing which isn't surprising.  We didn't use any of the ground mechanics in the game, although they did add a some interesting tactical ideas.

Huge plus to the game in my books is there is enough dice in the boxed set.  X-wing suffers from not including enough dice.  ie 3 defense dice.  Ties with an agility of 3 and at long range need 4.

I would have liked to have done better in this exchange but it was my first time and I think I did ok in terms of predicting movement, just not distance.  Perhaps he just did a better job.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Song of Blades and Heroes. Neither 15mm nor SciFi.

Over Christmas I learned that my girlfriend who had never played anything to do with miniatures liked the parts of fantasy computer games that dealt with combat. The parts played out on a battlefield.  These are simple computer driven miniature combat in essence.  With this knowledge and a copy of A Song of Blades and Heroes, I felt I could introduce her to the wonderful world of wargames and miniatures.

Problem was I had zero fantasy figures.  My solution was to buy a bunch of Pathfinder booster packs and use them to stat up a couple of 200 point warbands. 

We had a "Fire" force and a "Forest" Force.  We played a find the magic item scenario on an aproximately 3'x3' surface with some pretty basic terrain (I really need some hills)

Roughly the sides were:
Fire: Fire Giant, Fire Elemental, Wizard and a Sin spawn (undead) type
Forest: Forest Drake, Boggard, Wizard and a hound beast.

The battlefield was an road between 2 hills with a stone arch causing a choke point along the road.

The first few turns were spent running our forces to the two closest possible magic locations.  She arrived first and rolled that it was indeed the magic item giving her an easy 3 victory points.   Once she had the magic item her drake flew over the hill and attacked my forces.  Nothing serious occured in this engagement.
However I took the opportunity to try and outright kill the drake and moved most of my units into hand to hand combat.  Unfortunately I didn't manage to kill the drake and it flew away to attack one of my more isolated units, the fire elemental.  I survived the initial attack but was pushed back leaving the Drake in the open. 

I cast transfix on the drake and succesfully held it.  My fire elemental closed and won combat, removing her biggest threat.

I then failed my next activation, trying to play too cautiosly and her hound kept my fire giant and sin spawn busy long enough for her boggard and wizard to eliminate the fire elemental.

The fire giant moves in while the sinspawn deals with the hound, elminating it from play.  During the next few rounds the sinspawn closed while the giant fought for his life.  He became transfixed at one point, and had a hard time breaking free of the spell, and truth be told we screwed up once here.  Missing a quick kill on the giant.  That being said the Boggard was killed leaving only her mage

The sinspawn and fire giant attack the final member of her warband, the sinspawn dies in the exchange leaving only two.....

With a swing of his fire club, the mage is knocked down and....
 Crushed under the feet of the giant.

Even with her three additional victory points, I managed to win by 1 or 2 points, only because my giant was the only one of my units left.  If it had died and my sinspawn had lived, I probably still would have not managed the victory points.

Overall the game went pretty smoothly.  She was brand new to miniatures and I had never played the rules before.  She enjoyed it and I think will play again.  I will need more miniatures though.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Battleship: Beginnings.

I'm working to build a basic fleet.  My first scratchbuilt fleet.  My first fleet.  The previous post showed the work in progress on a cruiser and frigate.

I started working on a battleship last night which uses some small hollow construction techniques.  I got to a fairly rough shape last night and left it to dry so I could work on the filing and shaping with all of the pieces dry.

I will add another post as I continue with it.

70mm Battleship

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Full Thrust: Revisited

Back when I got into miniatures one of the scratch building searches led me to a facebook group called, "Full Thrust: THE Tactical Starship Combat Rules".  Back then I was looking for ideas on scratch building for a set of rules I was working on.  A simple set that I could use to show people spaceship combat without teaching Starfleet Battles.

I had briefly looked at Full Thrust and got to the "WRITE YOUR ORDERS" phase and had visions of Engage thrusters at 50%, Come to a heading of 310 mark 15 etc etc. and because of this I moved away from it and continued down my rules path.

15mm wargaming diverted me to ground combat, and away from the navies of space, but I was recently looking about the Full Thrust group and I decided to read the Full Thrust Light.  "Wow, these are SIMPLE"  Long story short, probably as simple as what I had developed, for the most part anyhow.  FTL would be a SIMPLE game to get people to learn and infact I hear it us often used at conventions.

Ok.  So I played a few solo engaements with my Silent Death minis from EM4, but wanted to get back into scratch building ships. 

I was directed to Starship Combat news for scale ideas and used it to determine the scale for my scratch buils to be around the same size as GZG spaceships.  While I was on SCN I went through their foums and came across their scratch build forum.  Some of it is ok, some it basic, but one user stands out as a scratch builder over there.  His handle is "Toaster"

SCN FORUM: http://www.star-ranger.com/forum/index.php
OMEGA Class: http://www.star-ranger.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=2581
HYPERION: http://www.star-ranger.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=2659
SULACO: http://www.star-ranger.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=7081
MORE: http://www.star-ranger.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=2612

CLONE WARS: http://www.star-ranger.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=6546
 NARN: http://www.star-ranger.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=5308

GENERAL: http://www.star-ranger.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=2635


Using his ideas I have begun scratch building my first fleet.

Basic plasticard cutouts

Gluing into a body

Initial tests.

Additional details and a few Silent Death escorts.

Ships need engines but now a Cruiser and a Frigate.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Smooth Cast 300

All of my castings had been with Alumilite's Super Plastic.  It was readily available at my hobby store and I was anxious to start casting starships so I could work on a simple ruleset for ship to ship combat.

Over this weekend I went down to my local plastic store and picked up a $27 set of Smooth-on's Smooth Cast 300 on the advice of the great guys at https://www.facebook.com/#!/groups/Stargrunt2/.  It has a pretty similar working and set time when compared with Super Plastic.

However the A and B part of Smoothcast are less viscous which allows it to take finer detail in the molds that are being cast.  That is a win.

I haven't seen a compareable size of Smoothcast vs Superplastic in the stores.  But I know from the small bottles of Super Plastic I got in a kit, that the $27 set of Smooth Cast will last me a lot of castings.

I also suspect the lower viscosity of this resin will allow air bubbles to be removed easier, although I haven't personally had an issue with it.

In the end Smooth Cast was easily worth the purchase price.

Thumbs up on this product.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Blockade Buster - Grav Tank: Part 2

Blockade Buster - Custom Turret

Oil based clay
Polymer clay
Small sticks
Scultping tools
X-acto knife
Super glue
2 part casting resin

Part 1 of this segment detailed how I took a Matchbox Blockade Buster and converted it into a Grav Tank.  Well I mostly converted it.  It was still in need of a turret.

How would I get a turret?  Buy it?  Design it in a 3D app and print it?

What to do.

Then I remembered a blog I came across last year.  It showed a gamer making custom starships.  His method was to take a basic shape, press it into clay and then detail it.  Once the mold was finished he would cast it in a 2 part resin.

So using this idea of impression casting with clay I thought it might work to build a turret fairly fast.

The first steps involved taking a polymer clay and creating a basic shape.

1. Roll clay out to approximate thickness for turret.
2. Cut edges off to make basic shape.

3. Add forward slanting armor by cutting away the clay.

4. Finalize your basic turret shape.

5. Final turret shape.

6. Size test on the grav tank.

The other tool we will need to complete this is a set of texture stamps.  These can be made from polymer clay as well and are used to texture the inside of the impression mold.

1. Lay out clay and create textures
2. Cut textures into stamp sizes
3. Bake according to instructions
4. Glue onto sticks.
Once we have the basic shape and a set of texturing tools, we are ready to start creating the mold.

1. Get a ball of oil based clay.
2. roll out clay and press shape into it.
3. Remove object (This can be tricky).
4. Use stamps to texture mold.
5. Mix casting resin and pour into mold.
6. Let cure and pull from mold.

These photos are my first attempt.  I feel I did not press the texturing tools in deep enough and got a lack luster turret.  The above photo is primed with a black wash.  I recast the turret and was much happier.

Full view of tank. Turret is primed, washed and dry brushed.
Closer view of the turret is primed, washed and dry brushed.
The tank needs painting, and I may use a different turret, but this shows how you can simply create a fairly cool sci-fi tank for 15mm wargames for not very much money.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Blockade Buster - Grav Tank: Part 1

 Blockade Buster Conversion

1 Blockade Buster
1 piece heavy plasticard
1 stir stick
2 part putty
Small washers
Misc other bits
Super glue
1 X-acto knife
1 drill

Matchbox toys are quite often pretty close in scale to 15mm and they make some cool models at this size if you can find them.  I am a fan of their Stryker model for instance, but can't find more than the one I bought originally.  They do however have a very inexpensive and simple IFV/AA type vehicle.  The Blockade Buster.  It runs at about the $1 mark depending where you are.  I get mine for $1.34 CAD from Walmart.

The parts of the blockade buster.
The vehicle has a plastic turret, metal upper body and plastic lower body.  It is held together with rivets, so to start this conversion the first step is to drill out the rivets and disassemble the model.
This leaves us with the tanks components.  You will notice that the upper metal body does not include the back.  The metal body is open at the back.  It will need to be sealed to make a new vehicle.

Back of the lower body has the entire back of the vehicle

We can either take what we need from the plastic body or make something new.  I opted to remove from the plastic body and glue into place.
Back panel cut free to close the back of the metal tank body
And glued into the main tank body

Here you can see the wood added to the back of the tank to even up the edges (and back)
Once this is done it well become apparent that the metal body needs to be evened out as it is not level all the way back.  I used small pieces of wood stir sticks to accomplish this.
Bottom view with axle mounts, wooden body and rivets
 I used the metal wheel axles in my design but he metal rivets proved to be in the way.  I had to cut these off flush with the base of the tank.

Once I had this completed I took a heavy piece of plasticard and drilled holes to make slots that I could pass the wheel mounts through.  I then used a 2 part putty to add a grave plate mounting bracket.  Basically a long rectangle with a 45 degree cut. along it's length.

Once at this stage I also used putty to try and seal the major gaps.  Once it cured I went in with sand paper to try and smooth out and reshape some areas.

The grav rails are some more heavy plasticard glued to the underside mounting plates.  Once they were glued in place I added some small washers for detail and gave everything a quick prime to see how it looked.
 Moving forward in the next part I will address how I will add the turret and get the model to a pre-painted stage.